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the herb beds
the native flowers
the monarch waystation certification
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Iatan important bird area
the herb beds
the native flowers
the monarch waystation certification
any bird houses or bat boxes
Iatan important bird area
- The property surrounding the schoolhouse is also quietly contributing to conservation. Riverwood is officially listed as a Monarch Waystation by the University of Kansas Monarch Watch organization. This means that the native wildflowers (especially milkweed) which we have planted around the Winery provide a haven for these endangered butterflies (and many other native pollinators) as they make their annual migration to Mexico.
- Riverwood is not only a popular destination for humans, we are visited by a wide variety of native and migratory birds including bald eagles, snow geese, trumpeter swans, bluebirds, meadowlarks, and many more! Indeed our Tasting Room location and Vineyard location are both situated squarely within the Iatan/Weston River Corridor Important Bird Area, as designated by the National Audubon Society. This Important Bird Area encompasses 100,000 acres of restored marshes and bottomland forests located along a key corridor for migratory birds. The Area also supports significant wetland species such as Least Bittern, Common Moorhen, Marsh Wren, and Virginia and King Rails. The Area is one of the most critical migratory flyways in the country and contains the largest surviving tract of old-growth bottomland forest on the entire length of the Missouri River, known as the Weston Bend Bottomlands. Learn more about this important area at mo.audubon.org/important-bird-areas-5 and at www.audubon.org/important-bird-areas/iatan-weston-river-corridor-27.